Saturday, December 11, 2010

Difference Between Venetian Bronze & Bronze

The Christmas is coming ... Good news

Yes, if you do not do you realize we are in the Christmas spirit, so it's not the fault of the beer that Totti wears a hat of dubious taste and discuss with a paunch dressed in red, it's Christmas!

Dear Santa, this year faje veni diarrhea Lazio to them ..

- France, most ar veni all'aquilotto their daughters do, but then you complain if you shit nun in the head ..

Oh, how nice ..

Like hell! I have to go find all the relatives who hammer me, as always, why do not I still married and I have not "started a family" ..

Simply because I have a job that gives me the right to eat, drink and pay the rent, the women are all whores (not all, only those who know me) and I have only thirty years, are little short .. And then, do yourself a bit 'your dicks!

But the Christmas season is not only the goose that lays the golden eggs of traders around the world, in reality it would be the birthday of Jesus

But since the miraculous birth in Bethlehem to talk about all that, I'll talk to sonoalternativo of his death, that passion. Not Mel Gibson, what we pretend to be real on the Gospels.

all know the story: whipping, the crown of thorns, the nails, the spear in his side etc. .. that we can have a reproduction in a fanciful medieval recently developed spread sheet with the rest of the laundry, in that the Turin

Somewhere someone has spilled a coffee, do not ask me where ...

The superhero story stoically bears all the evidence and all the pain caused by those bad guys dei Romani, e da quei supercattivoni degli Ebrei, per cosa? Beh, si sa, per riscattare il Peccato Originale ® dei nostri progenitori. Insomma: una croce per una mela, niente male, no?

Non è tanto l'assurdità di questo scambio che mi ha preoccupato quanto il fatto che, stando al Libbro , il supereroe in questione sarebbe il figlio di Dio, uno dei membri della Trinità, il creatore stesso dei cieli e della terra, non uno qualunque..

Nel suo soggiorno temporaneo in Palestina il nostro supereroe è stato able to, in order:

  • -Transform water into wine (the Gospel according to John 2, 1-11)

  • -Heal the sick children (The Gospel according to John 4, 46-56)

  • the lame-Healing (Gospel according to John, 5, 1-47)

  • Run-miraculous catches of fish (Luke 5, 1-11)

  • -drive out the devil (Luke 4, 33-36)

  • -Healing fever (Luke 4, 38.39 Gospel Matthew 8, 4-15 Gospel according to Mark 1, 29-31)

  • -Heal various diseases (Matthew 8, Luke 16.17 4, 40, 41 Gospel of Mark 1, 32 - 39)

  • -cured of leprosy (Luke 5: 12-16 Matthew 8, 2-4 Gospel according to Mark 1, 40-45)

  • lame-Healing (Gospel Matthew 9, 1-18 Gospel according to Mark 2, 1-12 Luke 5, 17 - 26)

  • Healing the lame-II (those with a hand injury) (Luke 6, 6 - 11 Matthew 12, 9-14 Gospel according to Macro 3, 1-6

  • -Healing the blind, mute and weigh at once possessed (Matthew 12: 22)

  • -Calming the storm (Matthew 8, 24-27 Luke 8, 23-25)

  • -cast out demons in the pigs (Luke 8, 27-35 Matthew 8, 28-34)

  • - cure blood diseases (Matthew 9, 20-22 Luke 8:41)

  • -Healing the blind (Matthew 9.27-30)

  • -Healing and dumb at the same time drive out the devil (Matthew 9, 32,33)

  • -multiply the loaves and fishes (the Gospel according to John 6, 1-13 Matthew 14, 13-21 Luke 9, 12-17)

  • -walk on water (Matthew 14, 25 Gospel according to John 6:19)

  • -Heal the daughter of a stranger (Matthew 15, 21-29)

  • -Healing countless blind, dumb, crippled and lame (Matthew 15, 30)

  • -transfigured with the great Hebrew prophets, Moses and Elijah (Luke 9, 28-36 Matthew 17, 1-9 Gospel according to Mark 9, 2-10)

  • -Healing children possessed, again (Matthew 17, 14-21 Gospel of Mark 9, Luke 9 14-29, 37-43)

  • -Healing the Blind (Gospel according to John 9:1)

  • -Healing the blind, deaf, dumb and possessed well ... on Saturday. (Matthew 12:22)

  • -Healing a paralytic, again on Saturday (Luke 13, 10-17 Gospel Matthew 12: 9-13)

  • -Heal Dropsy, forward, always on Saturdays, you see that it was his lucky day (the Gospel according to 14, 1-11 Matthew 12: 9-13)

  • -raise the dead (the Gospel according to John 11, 17-46)

  • -Healing ten lepers at once (Luke 17, 12-19)

  • - Heal, again, the blind (Matthew 20, 29-34 Gospel of Mark 10, 46-53)

  • -heal and heal instantly cut off his ear (the Gospel according to Luke 22, 51)

  • - revive himself (the Gospel according to John 20, 14,19,26 Gospel according to Matthew 28, Luke 9.16 24, 13,33,34)

Now, let's face it, how bad could do with a can do all these things, the whips and a couple of nails?

More or less what hurts me the bite of a mosquito ....

At this point I can already hear the classic cattolebano to apostrophes: "Try to get nailed and you think it is the passenger."
Not me, I'm not stupid (and I can not work miracles), but there is someone who does, for example in the Philippines:

A faithful, an idiot? For posterity will judge ....

These madmen (and all who harbor the slightest respect to these idiots) every Friday ® you are literally put on the cross , to atone for sins, try the Christ and everything he felt, only that these are not the son of the Almighty.

At this point I tried to imagine what he could do for Christ really feel pain, to give a true buy-back and came out the exact opposite of the biblical narrative:

Jesus who wakes up at six in the morning to go back to split the factory for 900 euros per month.

Jesus calling for a mortgage.

Jesus who is standing in line at the Post Office for paying the current bill is past due for two months before it to him pulling away.

Jesus that pierces a tire.

Jesus who works forty years and retires with 400 Euro.

And without even a miracle that one, please.

Now that would be a sacrifice, a real sacrifice.

Merry Christmas to all!

Astaroth December 12, 2010


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